
The central theme of the work revolves around the intricate relationship between human bodies and animal hides, primarily bovine hides. The series discusses the interplay between the concept of bodies (human bodies) and hides (animal skins) in a symbolic and metaphorical manner, exploring themes of personal identity, social structure, and transformation. The hides represent both the literal hides of animals and also carry a metaphorical significance in relation to the societal and personal aspects under discussion.

White Long, 2007, lacquered and carved MDF, 120*400 cm.

White Long, 2007, lacquered and carved MDF, 120*400 cm.

White Long, 2007,(detail), lacquered and carved MDF, 120*400 cm.

Wave, 2007, lacquered and carved MDF, 144*223 cm.

Wave, installation view, Galeria Artespacio, Santiago, Chile.

Skin, 2007, lacquered and carved MDF, 170*180 cm.

Skin, installation view, Galeria Artespacio, Santiago, Chile.

Installation view, MAC, Santiago, Chile.

Untitled, 2007, lacquered and carved MDF, 110*163 cm.

Installation view, Arteba Art Fair, Buenos Aires, Argentina.